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It depends on what elements constitute the crystal. Some crystals can be toxic, others are harmless. It also depends on the type of contact you come into with it. A crystal such as table salt, for example (Soduim Chloride) is considered harmless, and even improves the taste of some foods, yet if it is consumed in great quantities it can become deady. Not because it is toxic, but because your body cannot deal with large amounts of it. If a crystal contains elements that are, in their natural state, toxic; then yes, the crystal itself would also likely be toxic.

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Q: Are crystals toxic
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Yes, sulfur crystals can be dangerous to handle or be around as they can release toxic fumes when heated or exposed to certain chemicals. It is important to take proper precautions when handling sulfur crystals to avoid any potential health risks.

What crystals can you eat?

It is not safe to consume crystals as they can be toxic and harmful to your health. It is important to be cautious and avoid ingesting any type of crystals as they are meant to be used for healing purposes through other methods such as wearing them, placing them in your environment, or using them in meditation.

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first off DO NOT HEAT IODINE CRYSTALS because they create the same sort of fumes you would fine in a meth lab and it is possible that it can kill you because of its extremely toxic fumes and

How do patio table crystal form?

If you have a glass table and a sunny day you can paint your tabletop with non-toxic crystals in a flash. It's an easy crystal-growing project, safe for kids and pets.

What will happen when mercury and iodine crystals are ground together?

When mercury and iodine crystals are ground together, they react to form a red compound called mercury(II) iodide. This reaction is exothermic, releasing energy in the form of heat. It is important to handle these substances with caution, as mercury and iodine can be toxic.

What are Ghost crystals?

Ghost Crystals are crystals of crosslinked polyacrylamide.

Are crystals living or nonliving?

NO CRYSTALS are not living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the bacteria bacillus thuringiensis produce protein crystals that are toxic to yhe digestive system of insects.How can these bacteria be used to control insects in crops?Apply the bacteria to growing plants. Bio technologists have devised a method to utilize Bacillus thuringens to prevent insects on crops. They insert the gene responsible for the protein crystals into the genome of the crop plants and culture the plants. The resultant plants produce the protein crystals by themselves because they contain the gene to do so. An example of the above method is Bt cotton. It is a high grade cotton plant which is naturally resistant to pests as it has been genetically engineered.

Which gas is evolved when potassium ferrocyanide crystals are heated with conc. sulphuric acid?

When potassium ferrocyanide crystals are heated with concentrated sulfuric acid, the gas evolved is hydrogen cyanide (HCN). This gas is toxic and should be handled with caution in a well-ventilated area.

What is an igneous rock with crystals?

Granite with larger crystals, basalt with smaller crystals.

What do you do on a science fair about crystals?

you should talk about how crystals are formed and what type of crystals there are