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One contributor has suggested that "Technology" is the answer. Here are some additional ways we could consider this question:

  • Engineering
  • Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship

Engineering gets my vote because it is about application of the scientific knowledge. Wikipedia provides a good definition of Engineering:

Engineering is the science, skill, and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and also build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes.

Innovation is a good description of this practical use of knowledge because it supports the adoption of the technology across society at large through market mechanisms.

So that we avoid having too lofty a view of science and technology, we should remember that on a daily basis, a farmer makes practical use of scientific knowledge and the technologies relating to chemistry and physics.

Thus, taking JB Say's 1803 definition of "Entrepreneur" (An economic agent who unites all means of production) we could rightly say that a farmer is an entrepreneur, and the farmer's work is based on the practical use of scientific knowledge.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

This is called applied sciences. Examples of this practical application of sciences would include things like technology and inventions.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

either,Technology Deductive science, Inductive sceince Anthropologic science or Pure science

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Q: The use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes is called?
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The application of scientific knowledge for a practical purpose is called engineering?

Yes, this is correct!The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes is engineering.

The pratical use of scientific information is called what?

The application of scientific knowledge in practical devices is called Technology.

Use of scientific discoveries for practical purposes?

It's called "Engineering".

What is the application of scientific discoveries to practical use called?

The application of scientific discoveries to practical use is called technology. Technology is defined as the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.

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The practical use of scientific knowledge is called technology. Technology involves the application of scientific principles to create tools, products, and systems that solve real-world problems and improve human conditions.

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The process of converting basic scientific knowledge into usable products is called technology transfer. It involves taking research findings from scientific studies and developing them into practical applications, products, or services that benefit society.

What is the application of scientific discoveries to practical use called a. technology b. industry c. machinery d. economic development?

The practical use and application of scientific discoveries is called technology. It also refers to any knowledge applied in a certain area.

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What is the use of scientific discoveries called?

The use of scientific discoveries is called innovation. This involves applying new knowledge or technology to create practical solutions or improvements in various fields such as healthcare, industry, or the environment.

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What is the practical application of techniques and knowledge called?


The practical use of scientific information is called what?

Technology or engineering.