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Extrinsic variables.

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Q: All the factors that could affect the outcome of an experiment are called?
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Something the effects the outcome of an experiment is called a?

A variable. Variables are factors that can change or influence the outcome of an experiment, and researchers often manipulate or control them to see how they affect the results.

One of the changes in a situation that may affect the outcome of an experiment is called?

A confounding variable is a factor in a study that correlates with both the independent and dependent variables, potentially leading to incorrect conclusions about the relationship between them. These variables can affect the outcome of an experiment by introducing bias or confusion into the results.

What is the variable called that is the outcome of the experiment?

The variable that is the outcome of the experiment is typically called the dependent variable. It is the variable that is being measured or observed to determine the effect of the independent variable.

What is the set of possible outcomes for an experiment called?

The outcome space.

What is each result of an experiment called?

Each individual result of an experiment is typically referred to as an "outcome."

What is it called when a scientist is conducting an experiment and and it has factors that can affect the results?

If they are supposed to affect the results in the experiment ie. they are what is being tested, they are the test variables. If they must be kept the same to ensure a fair test ie. the scientist is not testing with them, they are called control variables.

What are the factors that change in an experiment called?

changable factors

What is an outcome or set of outcomes of an experiment or situation called?

An event or events.

When you sum up what is learned in an experiment what is it called?

The outcome of an experiment is a "conclusion", the interpretation of the results compared with the expected results and the goal of the experiment.

What are factors in a experiment called?


What are factors that change in an experiment called?

The factors which you change (vary) are called variables.

What is a prediction of the outcome of a test or experiment?

A prediction in an experiment is called hypothesis. It is an educated guess about what's high likely to happen.