Physical Science Applications Assignment Brief 4
Rokeby School
Science Department
Course Title: BTEC First Certificate in Applied Science
Assignment Title: Generating and using electricity.
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Unit : Physical Science Applications
ScenarioYou are a production engineer working for British Energy which is an electricity provider. The company is looking into ways to produce, use and transmit electricity more efficiently. You have been asked to research how the company currently generates electricity, including an analysis of the efficiency of transmitting and converting electricity for consumers on the National Grid. You have to write up your research in a report.
Assessment Evidence
The grading criteria that this activity relates to:
P4 describe two ways in which electricity may be produced
M4 explain two applications of electricity
D4 analyse the problem of energy losses when transmitting electricity and when converting it into other forms for consumer applications
Summary assessor's feedback Areas for improvement:
Criteria Achieved
Internal Verifier's Comments
Learner's Signature
I, ______________________, confirm that the work submitted is entirely my own
Generating and Using Electricity
Physics Applications Assignment 4
Task 1
-Describe how electricity is generated in a fossil-fuel power station. Include a labelled diagram and a written description of the process. Include a diagram of what happens inside the generator and flow charts.
-Describe the main similarities and differences between a fossil-fuel power station and generation of electricity using renewable energy resource such as a wind mill farm.
- Describe how a battery produces electricity. Include an equation for a chemical reaction which occurs inside a battery and explain the difference between rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries.
Task 3
Explain how electricity is used in motors and loudspeakers. For each one, include:
Task 4
When electricity is produced at a power station, it then has to be transmitted through overhead power cables or underground cables to the local substation and then to the consumer.
Discuss how energy is lost in this process and how this energy loss can be minimised.
Many consumer applications of electricity require a transducer or a transformer eg, mobile phones, laptop computers, loud speakers etc.
Explain why a transformer is needed.
Discuss how energy is lost in this process and how this energy loss can be minimised.
The amplitude of a wave is generally labeled 'A'.
a diagram of the brain
What is the. Astute of inquiry diagram
Because If they don't, the scientists won't know what the difference is in.Example:You have two glasses of water. One is labeled control.The other is labeled salt. The one labeled controlhas nothing added to it. The one labeled salt has salt added to it. Is there a difference between the two glasses?If an experiment has a control in it, that means the scientist needs to know if there is a difference in the experiment.
The drawing of an electrical circuit is called a circuit diagram, or schematic diagram. It is a graphical representation of the electrical components and their interconnections in a circuit. It uses standardized symbols to represent different components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, switches, and wires. The lines connecting the symbols in the diagram indicate the flow of electrical current through the circuit. Circuit diagrams are used to design, troubleshoot, and repair electrical systems, and can be found in technical manuals, books and online resources.
The correct wiring diagram for a 3-wire condenser fan motor typically involves connecting the wires labeled as "common," "fan," and "herm" to their corresponding terminals on the motor and capacitor. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult a professional if unsure.
a fully labled diagram of the lion fish
a diagram tat showsand lebels all the parts of a toaster
google images
draw a stomata
you just need to pick a material and set up your labbeled diagram.
diagram of motor od 1981 corvette
The different chicken parts labeled on a diagram of a chicken's anatomy include the breast, wings, thighs, drumsticks, neck, and back.