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Physical Science Applications Assignment Brief 4

Rokeby School

Science Department

Course Title: BTEC First Certificate in Applied Science

Assignment Title: Generating and using electricity.

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Unit : Physical Science Applications


You are a production engineer working for British Energy which is an electricity provider. The company is looking into ways to produce, use and transmit electricity more efficiently. You have been asked to research how the company currently generates electricity, including an analysis of the efficiency of transmitting and converting electricity for consumers on the National Grid. You have to write up your research in a report.

Assessment Evidence

The grading criteria that this activity relates to:

P4 describe two ways in which electricity may be produced

M4 explain two applications of electricity

D4 analyse the problem of energy losses when transmitting electricity and when converting it into other forms for consumer applications


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Generating and Using Electricity

Physics Applications Assignment 4

Task 1

-Describe how electricity is generated in a fossil-fuel power station. Include a labelled diagram and a written description of the process. Include a diagram of what happens inside the generator and flow charts.

-Describe the main similarities and differences between a fossil-fuel power station and generation of electricity using renewable energy resource such as a wind mill farm.

- Describe how a battery produces electricity. Include an equation for a chemical reaction which occurs inside a battery and explain the difference between rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries.


Task 3

Explain how electricity is used in motors and loudspeakers. For each one, include:

  • an energy transfer diagram
  • a labelled diagram of the component
  • a written explanation of how the component works


Task 4

When electricity is produced at a power station, it then has to be transmitted through overhead power cables or underground cables to the local substation and then to the consumer.

Discuss how energy is lost in this process and how this energy loss can be minimised.

Many consumer applications of electricity require a transducer or a transformer eg, mobile phones, laptop computers, loud speakers etc.

Explain why a transformer is needed.

Discuss how energy is lost in this process and how this energy loss can be minimised.


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