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Q: 8 babies in the womb at the same time are called?
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What is it called when you have 4 babies at once?

If they are born from a single pregnancy they are called quadruplets.Quadruplets.QuadrupletThe word used for 4 babies born at the same time from the same womb is 'quadruplets'.

How many children can a mother hold in here womb at the same time?

A women can have 9 babies in her womb at the same time but she has a 90% chance of dying

Can five babies be in the same womb at the same time?

Yes, there have been many instances of quintuplets.

Do babies stay more on one side of the womb?

No they stay on one side of the womb all the time.

What is sextupilets?

sextuplets are when a women has 6 foetus (babies) in her womb at a time.

If there were two babies one was born at 1159PM and the other was born at 1201AM would they still be called twins?

YES! The term twins refers to how the baby developes, not when, or the day, that the baby is born. For example, if there are two babies within the womb (fraternal or not) at the same time, they will be twins.

Does the baby have to move all the time in the womb?

nope. sometimes babies dont move at all. they do sleep a lot in the womb.

Does babies sleep in the womb?

yes, babies sleep in the womb but that does not mean they are always sleeping

What are the sounds called which are used to 'look' at babies inside their mother's womb?

They are called ultra-sound (s).

Can babies sense other babies in the womb?

Yes, babies can sense other babies in the womb through movements and sounds, but they do not have a full understanding of what is happening.

Is is profitable to raise chinchillas?

No, since the babies stay in the womb for 111days. Also the chinchillas don't have like 100 babies at once. The farms that grow chinchilla have dozens laying birth at the same time. It is not profitable.

Do babies get hickups in the womb?

babies breath in and out the amniotic fluid inside the womb to practice breathing and that causes them to get the hick ups