There is no TM for Earth Power. It is a move that only appears as one learned by certain pokemon, such as Camerupt and Nidoqueen.
Scroll of the Earth
It never learns earth power unless you trade it to a 4th generation Pokemon game.
viridian city
viridian city
No, Groudon does not learn Earth Power in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time. Groudon's movepool in the game consists of moves like Earthquake, Fire Blast, and Solarbeam.
Earthquake or earth power or use ice pokemon
Pokemon who are Flying types aren't effected by Ground type moves.
# Boss: Groudon # Reward: Earth Cymbal # Code: #&S6; NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y
get a empoleon and keep on ueing hydro pump until it is [if he used the move earth power just use full restord .
Grass Trumpet-Grass-type Rock Megaphone-Rock-type Water Harmonica-Water-type Earth Cymbal-Ground-type Fire Drum-Fire-type Ice Flute-Ice-type Sky Pianaca-Flying-type
No you need to connect with the game boy or what ever wires ^^ connecter or what on earth you call them XD
in the earth
You will head to the Pokemon league west of virdian city there you will meet 8 guards asking you for the badges you will need surf on a Pokemon to get trough, later on you come to "victory road" (dungeon) there you need strength on a Pokemon when you get passed that you will need to face the "elite 4(four)" and "Rival" (blue/red/Gary or whatever).
what do you mean by earth ground or grass Pokemon
Scroll of the Earth
A Motte is a man made mound of earth in which a Norman tower or a dungeon is built on.