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Q: Will Jackie Chan donate one of his kidneys to save a life?
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Related questions

What is the name of Jackie Chan's biography?

Jackie Chan's autobiography is "I am Jackie Chan. My Life in Action". He is currently working on a sequel called "I am still Jackie Chan."

How did Jackie Chan feel when he became famous?

Jackie Chan felt like he achieved one of his life goals. Source: I am Jackie Chan, My Life in Action

What is the name of Jackie Chan's autobiography?

Jackie Chan's autobiography is called "I am Jackie Chan. My life in Action". Co-authored by Jackie Chan and Jeff Yang. Published by Ballantine Books. 1998

What religion is Jackie Chan?

Jackie is a Buddhist and that's what he enjoys. He lives life peacefully.

Does Jackie Chan have grandchildren?

Oh, dude, Jackie Chan doesn't just do his own stunts, he also has his own grandkids! Yup, the legendary martial artist and actor has two grandchildren. I guess kicking butt runs in the family, huh?

What is Jackie Chan's favorite hobby?

Making movies is his hobby, his business and his life.

Are Jet Li and Jackie Chan brothers?

Yes, in "The Forbidden Kingdom" (2008) but not sure if they had before.

What made Jackie Chan strive for his goal of becoming a star?

In his book "I am Jackie Chan. My Life In Action" Jackie relates a story of how he was rejected by a girlfriend when he was still in his teens because he wasn't 'good enough' for her, or at least her father and he says that at that moment he decided that he was going to be a success, to be the best.

How many years has Jackie Chan been doing martial arts?

His father taught him some Tai Chi, his formal training began with Yip Man in Wing Chun when he was 13.

What are some of Jackie Chan's habits?

1. Switching off lights. 2. Tidying up and sweeping on set. 3. Recycling. 4. Emptying water bottles on plants and then crushing them to save space. 5. Singing.

What has Jackie Chan achieved?

Jackie Chan has achieved many things in his life. From a recent tongue-in-cheek list Jackie wrote about himself - he is an stunt man, kung fu practitioner, actor, kung fu director, playwright, director, singer, producer, business owner, philanthropist, and an international celebrity

Name something people can donate that can save a life - family feud guestion?

Blood, kidneys, money, bone marrow.