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he evolves in his early 30's

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Q: Why won't Spheal evolve in xd gale of darkness?
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Pokemon Colosseum action replay will the Pokemon still evolve?

no it wont evolveno it wont evolve

When does vulpix evolve in Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

Vulpix and growlithe evolves with a firestone choose wisley u can only use on 1 of them:( nuzleaf and weepinbell evolves with a leafstone(wait till level 49 because nuzleaf can learn extransensory which flinches the target)but if you use it before shiftry wont learn the moves nuzleaf can:) GLAD i could help and give you more information:)!

What level does Roselia evolve in Pokemon Gale of Darkness?

i think u need a leaf stone to make it evlove.

Your hoothoot wont evolve help you are on level 22?

Check if it is holding an everstone.

Golbat wont evolve in Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness is there any items that could help if so how do you get it?

It evolves when its you get it to like you a lot or on level 37 platinum pearl others Allno itemhope helpsRE: It evolves when its you get it to like you a lot or on level 37 platinum pearl others Allno itemhope helpsHe's wrong! first of all, in games like ruby, sapphire, emerald, leafgreen, firered, diamond, pearl and platinum, Golbat doesn't usually evolve after level 37... If it does it either means that you:Are using an EXP Share (which doesn't increase its happiness as fast as an actual battle) orYou fought actual battles with it, but it fainted too ofter (which also doesn't help with its happiness)And now to answer the main question :Unlike the previous games, in Pokemon XD : Gale of Darkness, it is extremely hard to evolve your Pokemon who are only capable of evolving with a lot of happiness/friendship (such as Togepi to Togetic, Golbat to Crobat, Elekid to Electabuzz, etc...). So, to speed up the evolution, I suggest you purchase, and use, A LOT of colognes (Vivid Scents would be the best) and use them on the Pokemon (who, in this case, is Golbat). It should help speed up its evolution to evolve into a Crobat.Thanks,manljames

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Teddiursa will evolve at lvl 30, but if he faints during the battle in which he gets to lvl 30, he wont evolve. in that case, just get him to lvl 31 without him fainting and then he will evolve

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It is illegal to be telling stuff or cheats so i guess i wont be able to say that answer.

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I think you need a Beauty Scarf to evolve Feebas. (You can only evolve after beating Guild Members.(Luminous Springs)) Feebas will evolve in to Milotic(water type) I think you need a Beauty Scarf to evolve Feebas. (You can only evolve after beating Guild Members.(Luminous Springs)) Feebas will evolve in to Milotic(water type)

Pokemon Colosseum action replay will the Pokemon still evolve?

no it wont evolveno it wont evolve

Do you have to evolve Pokemon?

No. give it an everstone and it wont ever evolve.

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No,Ash's snivey wont evolve

When does vulpix evolve in Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

Vulpix and growlithe evolves with a firestone choose wisley u can only use on 1 of them:( nuzleaf and weepinbell evolves with a leafstone(wait till level 49 because nuzleaf can learn extransensory which flinches the target)but if you use it before shiftry wont learn the moves nuzleaf can:) GLAD i could help and give you more information:)!

What level does Hounter evolve in to a Gengar?

It wont evolve unless you trade it.

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yes but ash pickachu wont evolve to make pickachu evolve it needs a thunderstone

What does ursaring evolve in to on Pokemon soul silver?

It wont evolve it is in its last stage.

What level does Roselia evolve in Pokemon Gale of Darkness?

i think u need a leaf stone to make it evlove.

When does venasaur evolve?

It wont evolve it is the last evolution of bulbasaur who is the grass starter for the kanto region in Pokemon