Leslie Ruth Howard went by Doodie.
I am not sure I understand your question. Ruth was athe first Jewish convert who took care of Naomi. After Naomi's husband died she went with her and her daughters back to their homeland. She said to Naomi " Where thou goest, I go. Thy people will be my people." and so she went with her into proverty and hardship.
Zendaya Originally Auditioned for CeCe ( played as Bella Thorne ). But they had her play Rocky and she felt more comfortable with Rocky so she went with that and got the part :) thanks for your time!! hope i answered it for you!!
Ruth Berle's birth name is Ruth Cosgrove Rosenthal.
Ruth Heinaman's birth name is Ruth Heineman.
Ruth handelers's parents were hindu but ruth handler was a jew!Of course!
Ruth Lyons went by Mother.
we went to colorado and toured the rocky mountains.
well there rocky on off relation ship of Ruth winters and jay faldren is to be rekinidled in April
Ruth Wakefield went to Framing State Normal School Department of Household Arts.
Babe ruth went by the nickname the Babe
Leslie Ruth Howard went by Doodie.
Ruth Roland went by Queen of the Thriller Serials.
Ruth Etting went by Sweetheart of Columbia Records.
Ruth Warrick went by Mrs. Citizen Kane.
Ruth Wallis went by The Queen of the Party Records.
eat my dust