Raul Gonzalez has four children.
Raul Malo's birth name is Raul Joaquin Martinez Malo Jr..
Raul daSilva is 6'.
Raul Mondesi's birth name is Raul Ramon Mondesi.
Raul Veiga's birth name is Raul Veiga Dias Alves.
Raul M. Gonzalez was born in 1931.
Raul Gonzalez has four children.
Raul M. Gonzalez was born in 1931.
Raul Gonzalez was born December 27, 1973.
No Raul Gonzales is from Spain
Raul Gonzalez is spanish so he speaks Spanish as well as English.
As Raul is a Spaniard where the religion is Catholics he is also a catholic.
No, Raul Gonzalez is not currently divorced. He has been married to a Spanish model and actress named Mamen Sanz since 2009.
Most likely he has one.
Raúl's full name is 'Raúl González Blanco'.