Daniel is called skip because when he was little he used to skip words in sentances.
Skip Bifferty ended in 1969.
Skip Schwink is 5' 11".
skip mission
Skip Minisi died on 2005-05-05.
If you encounter an unfamiliar word, it's okay to skip it and continue reading to maintain the flow of your understanding. You can try to infer its meaning from the context or look it up later for a clearer understanding, rather than allowing it to disrupt your comprehension of the overall text.
it does not affect the overall understanding of the text.
figuring out the flow of the passage
getting the flow of the passage.
The word 'unfamiliar' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.I can give you several sentences.That word is unfamiliar to me.I heard an unfamiliar noise.He is unfamiliar to me.
never skip skool
I suddenly found myself in unfamiliar territory.I am unfamiliar with your reference.
An unfamiliar word is 'floccinauccinihilipilification'. This word is a real one; it is found in the Oxford dictionary!
the word unfamiliar is an adjective. The meaning of unfamiliar is to not be aware of, or to not know someone or something.
The word is unfamiliar.
definition: gives an explanation of the unfamiliar word right in the sentence; synonym: restates the unfamiliar word with another familiar word; antonym: contrasts the unfamiliar word with an opposite; inference: provides the general sense of an unfamiliar word with the main idea of a sentence or paragraph.