Silly question, he's been the man since he was born! forever & always the man, Toby is
Spider Man was played by actor Toby McGuire.
Toby Mcquire is the actor currently playing spiderman
Andrew Garfield
Toby McKeehan goes by Toby Mac.
Toby Noolan's birth name is Toby Nolan.
Toby McGuire
i love you man i want you right now .... e.g hey Sarah want my Toby ?
Toby is a 6 foot fountain of man love who is related to bill gates. and hes gay
Spider Man was played by actor Toby McGuire.
Toby Mcquire is the actor currently playing spiderman
Andrew Garfield
I don't know you guys are stupid. Hi how old was Toby and blady blady blah and blady blady blah! Man!
850 times
Nicholas Hammond (CBS 1977 to 1979), followed by Toby MaQuire in 3 2000-2008 feature films.
Spiderman was played by actor Toby McGuire.and Andrew Garfield
Jeff Martin
Toby speaks the magic words in "People Could Fly" because he follows the instructions given to him by the flying man, who tells him to say the words when he is in danger. This allows Toby to escape harm by flying away to safety.