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It's limited because Zombies can abuse it way too much. With 3 Zombie Masters, a Mezuki and 3 Book of Lifes, that gives you 7 cards that can Summon it, and that doesn't include all the generic staples that Special Summon monsters already.

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Q: Why is Plaguespreader Zombie Limited?
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What are all the zombie cards on Yu-Gi-Oh?

i think its only plaguespreader zombie but if im wrong change the awnswer

What are some good combos in the Zombie World Structure Deck?

it seems to focus around swarming your field with monsters either from your graveyard or from your opponent's side of the field. throw in doomkaiser dragon and it's assault version. don't forget plaguespreader. also try using mind control, necro guardna, and foolish burial. another good combo is return zombie + zombie master. discard a monster you draw for your draw phase to get a monster back from your grave. then add return zombie to your hand during the standby phase.

What can counter a zombie deck?

Zombies do two things incredibly well: swarming and swarming. :D They can swarm from the hand or deck, but their main power is from the graveyard. Any card that prevents summoning from the graveyard or is an anti swarm card is great. Anti swarm cards are things like Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, Lightning Vortex, and in Traditional Format, Dark Hole and Raigeki. Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror is great against Zombie decks because it prevents their DARK cards from activating their effect in the graveyard or the field, shutting down Zombie Master, Mezuki, and Plaguespreader Zombie. Macro Cosmos/Dimensional Fissure is also good because it eliminates their graveyard altogether, preventing most of their effects from being useful at all Just try and remove them from play or use a zombie deck yourself.

What actors and actresses appeared in 2009 Spooky Movie Film Festival Zombie Promo - 2009?

The cast of 2009 Spooky Movie Film Festival Zombie Promo - 2009 includes: Tracy Bantz as Zombie Michael Bartolomeo as Zombie Adriana Cruz as Zombie Donna DuVall as Zombie Sydney Huth as Zombie Daniel Huth as Zombie Emma Maatman as Zombie Ava Sirin as Zombie Tim Snodgrass as Zombie Nicholas Vance as Zombie Kenny Woelpper as Zombie Jenn Wyatt as Zombie

What actors and actresses appeared in Carolina Parakeet - 2014?

The cast of Carolina Parakeet - 2014 includes: Sara Ann Spink as New Mother Buffy Bailey as Zombie Tracie Bingham as Tracy Amber Boynton as Zombie Sierra Briscoe as Zombie Andrea Celeste as Zombie Aspen Clark as Zombie Jonathan Coomes as Zombie Mars Crain as Feature Zombie Myles Cranford as Wallace John Dorgan as Zombie Richard Dorton as Feature zombie Will English as Zombie Tania Estrada as Zombie Heather Garland as Zombie Ana Garlick as Zombie Brian Garlick as Zombie John Hafner as Matt Jamila Heron as Zombie Paolo Joel Ziemba as Zombie Azmyth Kaminski as Zombie Spencer Kelsey as Zombie Jason Kuhns as Zombie Stevi Kuhns as Zombie Talbott Lin as Hallway Man Jami Losurdo as Zombie Yvonne Love as Zombie Tori Lynn as Zombie Brian Magner as Zombie Mitchell McDowel as Zombie Sierra Mercier as Wife Amy Messeroll as Feature zombie Melody Parr as Zombie Casey Pyke as Zombie Lacy Reinbold as Zombie Ron Rhee as Zombie Jose Rosete as Husband Joseph Sanfelippo as CDC Radio Announcer Pandie Suicide as Zombie Sammy Vasquez as Alley Teen Kaley Victoria Rose as Rachel Justin Welsh as Zombie

Related questions

How do you get Plaguespreader Zombie?

Buy it.

What pack can you get plaguespreader zombie in?

Crossroads of Chaos Gold Series 2010

What are all the zombie cards on Yu-Gi-Oh?

i think its only plaguespreader zombie but if im wrong change the awnswer

Is Doomkaiser Dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh good for anything now that Plaguespreader Zombie is limited?

Probably not as many copies of "Doomkaiser Dragon" are needed in the Extra Deck, but if you are using a Zombie-Type deck, this card still has utility. Since you need other Zombie-Type monsters to Syncro Summon this card, "Doomkaiser Dragon" probably will go unused in just about any other deck that doesn't have a fair amount of Zombie-Type monsters not to mention the right levels.

What cards are the best for a deck in Stardust Accelerator?

Generally any deck good in the real game is good enough for the game. The easiest and most effective deck to make might be a Dark deck, utilizing "Plaguespreader Zombie", "Armageddon Knight", etc.

What are the release dates for Kyle and the Zombie - 2012?

Kyle and the Zombie - 2012 was released on: USA: 26 October 2012 (limited)

What are the release dates for Zombie Stew - 2007?

Zombie Stew - 2007 was released on: USA: 24 June 2007 (limited)

What are some good combos in the Zombie World Structure Deck?

it seems to focus around swarming your field with monsters either from your graveyard or from your opponent's side of the field. throw in doomkaiser dragon and it's assault version. don't forget plaguespreader. also try using mind control, necro guardna, and foolish burial. another good combo is return zombie + zombie master. discard a monster you draw for your draw phase to get a monster back from your grave. then add return zombie to your hand during the standby phase.

What are the release dates for The Boy Who Cried Zombie - 2013?

The Boy Who Cried Zombie - 2013 was released on: USA: 10 December 2013 (limited)

Can you special summon red-eyes darkness metal dragon from the graveyard using the first effect?

No, the only time a monster can special summon itself from the graveyard, is if it specifically says so - Plaguespreader Zombie for example. If it doesn't specify, then the default zone for special summoning is from the hand.

Can you special summon a 'Lava Golem' to your opponent's side of the field while it is in the graveyard?

Unless stated otherwise (Plaguespreader Zombie for example) a monster's special summon is done from hand only. Lava Golem must be in your hand, for you to be able to special summon it using the listed text on the card.

How do you get a jacko zombie in zombie farm?

All you do is combine two regular zombies in the zombie pot (level 25) and walla! It is a rare zombie though, and I believe it was a limited time offer, not sure about that. My mom has one. For more info, just go to the zombiefarmwiki ;)