Giovanni Salvemini died in 1791.
Nikki Giovanni's sister's name is Gary Ann Giovanni.
Giovanni Berardi died in 1449.
Giovanni Lorecchio is 178 cm.
Giovanni Antonello's birth name is John Giovanni-Antonello Castillo.
Giovanni was important because he was an explorer. He would;d sail and explore around France. P.S. he was killed by the natives
Giovanni da Varazzano's exploration was important because he claimed land that was actually New York Bay.
Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina
He had 3 main and one that wasn't as important
Giovanni da San Giovanni died in 1636.
Giovanni da San Giovanni was born in 1592.
Henry Hudson Giovanni da verrazano and chris Columbus
Giovanni has written: 'Giovanni da Milano'
Giovanni Secomandi has written: 'Giovanni Secomandi'
Giovanni Pierangeli goes by Giovanni Angeli.
Giovanni Tenneroni has written: 'Giovanni Tenneroni'
There is no Pokemon named Giovanni. Giovanni is the leader of Team Rocket.