Change of Heart is banned because you basically take control of one of your opponents monsters without a cost. Plus, you are able to do whatever you want to do with the monster. It is Brain Control (which is also Banned) without a cost and a much stronger version of Mind Control (which is Limited).
$2.50 + $0.74 is the value of the Yugioh yubel card plus shipping.
a card and a picture
The website then you can say everything a regular yugioh card has but you can change the picture, effect, name, any number of att and def, any attribute, any type and and creator. If you have the type of paper a regular yugioh card is then you would have the strongest deck ever.
There is no real card such as Hand Control, it was an anime-only card.
yugioh card maker
The Yugioh Card Wave Motion cannon is not a banned card
The best card in yugioh is the judegement dragon card.
Change of Heart is just too great. Imagine you can you CoH on opponent's monster and you can use them for tribute, ritual, fusion, synchro or even XYZ...
download a new one
Yes it is forbidden in the addvanced format but is only limited to one in the traditional format!
$2.50 + $0.74 is the value of the Yugioh yubel card plus shipping.
Forbidden/Limited Card List - March 2009 too bad you cant know your answer . :D Ignore the previous answer. It's total bull crap. Raigeki was banned because 1 single spell card is enough to wipe out the entire monster card on your opponent's field which is overpowered.
More than likely it's because someone complained about the card being misused at a tournament. Either that or the creators of yugioh decided that the card was to overpowered to be used in tournaments and should only be for collecting purposes only
a card and a picture
The website then you can say everything a regular yugioh card has but you can change the picture, effect, name, any number of att and def, any attribute, any type and and creator. If you have the type of paper a regular yugioh card is then you would have the strongest deck ever.
Cost Down
There is no real card such as Hand Control, it was an anime-only card.