

Best Answer

Betty White helpped many people in her time an she worked in the goverment

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Q: Why is Betty Whate trust worthy?
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What moves has Betty Whate been in?

Lake placid

Who is older the queen of England or Betty Whate?

Betty White is older than Queen Elizabeth II.

What is Betty Whate job?

plays football. Eats snickers :D

What does Betty Whate look like?

she is old has white hair. google it

Who did Betty Whate play on father knows best?

l would like to know the answer myself....

Why people are not trust worthy?

Some people are trust worthy. But not all are created equally.

What compound word ends in worthy?

Trust-worthy :)

Is alliance insurance a trust worthy company?

This answer is ambiguous in its entirety. Some customers may say that it is in fact a trust worthy company but other customers who were or might still be customers may say that it is not a trust worthy company at all.