Skeptics dont understand that there are tons of evidence that the Loch Ness Monster exists. Now, some pieces, including the Surgeon's Photograph, ended up being a hoax, but most pics and videos are unexplainable. Personally, I believe in her. I dont believe in aliens, vampires, Zombies, martians, or the kraken, because there really is no evidence, except perhaps the Felicia Felix-Mentor photo. Bigfoot is something like Nessie because there is lots of evidence, so I believe in him too. Skeptics also I believe need to go to Loch Ness and see her for themselves. Though I would understand why some people will not believe in her. Not only do some people think that the videos on tv are all from Hollywood or they are pretty sure plesiosaurs (which are believed to be Nessie) are extinct forever. Id say the main answer is because skeptics are just annoying and stupid people. Champ, also known as the Lake Champaign Monster, or America's Loch Ness Monster, also has evidence, and I believe in him along with Nessie. The Mansi Photograph, to me, cannot be believed to be anything that actually truly exists. It to me looks nothing like a residental animal, like a loon or duck, or a log. I believe that is the real monster. I cannot believe how somebody would think it is a hoax. Unlike the Surgeon photo, the Mansi photo still remains a mystery, and has not proven to be a hoax, and probably never will be. I will tell you this. NESSIE AND CHAMP EXIST IN THIS LAKES AND ARE REAL (AT LEAST 95% CHANCE)! ALSO, THERE IS A MYTH THAT A DANGEROUS MONSTER LURKS IN BEAR LAKE, UTAH, AND HE'S REAL TOO! THERE REALLY IS NO REASON WHY SOME PEOPLE DONT BELIEVE IN NESSIE. THEY JUST DONT THINK THE EVIDENCE IS ANYTHING BUT SOMETHING SOMEONE MADE FOR TRICKERY. I hope that all answered the question.
Believing in something is not necessarily deviant.Most people should believe that there is the possibility of life outside of our planet. However, there is no proof that life exists anywhere else apart from our own planet. As our exploration continues and we visit closer and further worlds, the likely hood of finding other life increases.The term aliens is a misnomer referring to "green beings" that seem to only show themselves to mid western Americans in the middle of the night, miles from no where, and with no attributable witnesses. Beer may have been on the menu as well.If you believe that aliens are visiting our Earth then you are in the minority, but if you believe that aliens is life on other worlds, then given time, we should prove that this is true.We orbit one star in a galaxy with over 100 billion stars, and there are over 100 billion galaxies. If we are the only life with over 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, then I will eat my hat, clothes and possibly underpants :-)
Evidence Actually, no reason. You could shun the evidence or believe it, as none is 100% conclusive. If there was absolutely undeniable evidence, like one landed and said hi to you, there would be no sense to disbelieve them.
they be born in the aliens head.
it is about £994598 dont believe wiki answer
For Humans, the same as in real life. For aliens depends on what species the alien is.
Because most people dont believe aliens exist and it's never been proven that they do.
There are a lot of people who believe in aliens these days, but there are about a million people per state.
aliens doesn't exist its just an imagination of scientists really i dont believe in these things
aliens dont live in america aliens like someone foreign or the ones from outer space? Because I don't know how much foreign people there are
It is very possible that your gooey aliens are dead. Did you remember to feed them? Many people in the world today believe their is life outside of this planet, and many people do not believe in aliens. Either way, food is important.
Some would say aliens and doctors both examine people. Some who believe in outer space aliens believe they examine humans to try and understand humans.
No. Some do some dont its not something religious.... .. .. .. 4gottensoul....
yes. we think other species are aliens because we dont know what they are. maybe aliens dont know about us and think we are aliens.
Scardox aliens do not mate. Science has never confirmed the existence of aliens as of 2014, though many people believe they are real.
i believe in aliens because their is billions of planets in the universe that their could be aliens on a planet
well i don't believe in aliens but if you believe on.