The lord of the eagles save bilbo and the party, because he knew Gandalf and by doing this he was repaying a favor to Gandalf.
He wanted to save the lives of others.
The three eagles that rescued Frodo and Sam from the destruction of Mount Doom were Gwaihir, the Windlord, Landroval (Gwaihir's brother), and Meneldor.
Lord Voldemort and Professor Quirrell who were sharing a body.
The eagles, having no immediate allies, do not wilfully go and help out others. Gandalf was the only reason the eagles helped out the Company. The Eagles would make off with the woodmen's sheep and livestock for food, and the woodmen learnt to defend against this, and made great bows of yew. Therefore, even though they would not be stealing livestock as they would just be dropping the Company off, the men would get the wrong impression and open fire on the eagles.Men shoot at them with their bows and attack them.Because of the great bows the men employ to protect their flocks. They think the eagles steal their sheep, and sometimes they do.
Harry has a vision of his godfather, Sirius Black, being tortured by Lord Voldemort, and he rushes to the Ministry of Magic to save him.
Gandalf knows the Lord of the Eagles. He speaks to them, and the eagles save them. Another reason is because they do not enjoy the goblins.
save bald eagles ,save American
it a part of nature
Justus was here to save christ our lord when he save our lord
because they are and it is too hard to save them :(
go to and log in then go to the party icon and create your party and save it at the bottom of the screen
yes eagles are still in much danger. help them don't hurt them!
? there was only 2 eagles that were named in the game one was the king of the eagles Ghawihir who was only mentioned and did not appear and the other was named Belrond the eagle you save at the beginning unless you mean what are the eagles in general called in the game/book they are just called great eagles
EcoNews - 1987 Direct Action to Save Eagles and to Stop Toxic Pollution 1-518 was released on: USA: 1988
He wanted to save the lives of others.
We can help save the lives of bald eagles by carrying out public awareness. Making the environment more habitable. And becoming a defender of wildlife.
When Bilbo, the dwarves, and Gandalf were trapped up in fir trees with wargs (evil wolves) and goblins beneath them, the eagles (including the Lord of the Eagles) swept down from the mountains and carried the Company to safety in their eyries.