Cuz they are a greedy corporation with a stranglehold on communications that charge exorbitantly high fees for services. They along with their competiton give us no affordable viable options to use the internet, television or cell phone and land line networks. They use deceptive and confusing marketing practices to make us think we are getting a deal by extravagantly charging for said services and then offering "savings" when you enter contracts with them, then pointing out on our bills how they have "saved" us "x" amount every billing cycle. This is the type of crap the public should revolt against, instead we continue to make them richer. That's why most people hate Rogers.
she has no life
She doesn't, she just hates you :)
Yes, Bella Thorne does hate kids and kids hate Bella Thorne. I think everyone hates Bella Thorne. If I saw her, I would whip a large rock at her face.
NO i for one am her biggst fan no one can possibl like her better than me
If you hate Josh Hutcherson then you is a BIG TIME HATER! Everyone loves him, I LOVE HIM!
Hate Everyone was created on 2009-08-25.
Everyone does not.
i don't think they hate everyone. they may be neutral towards the general population.
not everyone hates you. not everyone knows you. if it makes you feel any better, i don't hate you
No he did not
she is evil
Well of course she does. Everyone has to hate something!
Explain it to everyone and tell them what you think.