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It challenged the people because they had forgotten about the one true God.

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Q: Why did the message of Amos challenge the people?
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What is the message of God From prophet Amos?

he was warning the people of israel of their corupt religion = = According to the book of Amos 2:6-16(NKJV), his message from God was their sins against God. Their ruthless oppression of the poor,theirunbridled profanation of their religion, and the contrasted position of the Isrealites. Please read discussion also.

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The "To Do" of a message can be accomplished by using statements such as: "I challenge you to." or "I encourage you to."

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The prophet was Amos. He was called by God to deliver a message of social justice to the people of Israel, warning them of the consequences of their unjust practices and the impending destruction of their kingdom if they did not change their ways.

When did Amos prophesy?

There is no specific time period of when Amos prophesied, however, Amos was written by Amos between the years of 760 and 750 BC. Amos was a Shepard from Judah with no known ministry credentials, except a word from God for the people.

What kind of people does Amos singletary represent?

poor people

Did God make a covenant with Amos?

No I don't think so. God's covenant was with the nation of Israel. Amos' message to the kingdoms of Israel and Judah was they were not keeping their part of God's covenant with them.

What are the consequences of prophet Amos?

Amos described the consequences that would come on people who had turned their backs on God. Amos’ warnings were not meant only for his day, but also for today.

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No. The movie The Gallows has nothing to do with the Charlie Charlie Game.

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challenge when people respect people

Where was Amos sent to prophesy?

Amos preached in the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

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Twitter is an effective way to talk with friends and network with like-minded people, especially if you enjoy the challenge of condensing your thoughts into a 140-character message.