The cast of The Formorian - 2007 includes: Charlie Kranz as The Warrior Norma Sheahan as The Formorian
Norma Bruni's birth name is Norma Mistrone.
Norma Smurfit's birth name is Norma Triesman.
Norma Fine's birth name is Norma Loew.
She was born as Norma Jeane Mortenson, but was later baptised as Norma Jeane Baker.
To get his heroin, Norma has the best stuff in town.
Charlie's mom's name is Rose Gordon. His father's name is Matt Gordon. His sister's name is Norma. It's possible Rose named her Norma in hopes of her turning out to be "normal" unlike Charlie.
to leave abruptly, or left as soon as possible
Leave Leroy
Eckrodt abruptly resigned on April 26, 2004.
Addie starts to cry. (Apex)
Matt and Rose are always fighting about Charlie. They fight about anything from him dirtying himself, to him being to close to Norma. The big fight they have in the middle of the book that forces charlie to get thrown out of the house is that Rose wanted a better life for Norma. She said that Charlie is going to ruin her life and forced Matt to take him away under the nose of a knife.
The cast of The Formorian - 2007 includes: Charlie Kranz as The Warrior Norma Sheahan as The Formorian
he dies