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I found out how to make it work when your search engine says it can not find Netflix. Some times the DNS brakes on the netflix server. To make it work again:

1. Close all internet windows.

2. Go to your start menu

3. Select Control Panel

4. Select Network Connections

5. Right Click on the connection that is working, (your internet)

6. Select REPAIR

7. Open your browser again

8. Enjoy Netflix.

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13y ago
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10y ago

If you can't log into your Netflix account with your username and password, try logging in through a social media site like Facebook or Twitter, and see if that works. If not, you can request that Netflix email you a new password. The problem could also be that the credit card you have on file with Netflix has expired. If this is the case, and you are unable to log in and update it, you can call Netflix directly on their customer service number - (866) 579-7172.

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14y ago

Because they suck. I don't know. I just looked myself. Every movie I wanted to see they didn't have and they are all already available on DVD. Not sold on Netflix just yet.

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13y ago

Not all movies are able to steam instantly because either they don't have the digital copy or probally they lose money from the digital, you dont have to pay extra for it

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13y ago

AloT...for little kids the unavailable are barbie movies and bratz movies.

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I think you could watch it on netflix But if you cant maybe try Putlocker or Watch32

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well you cant tell who been on your netflix but if see a movie or tv series you have not watch in recently watched list then you could tell if someone is using your account

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u cant but there is a limeted amount of history so watch as many as possible to get rid of it

i cant remember my account number to access netflix on my new tv whAT CAN I DO?

Well, hello there! No need to worry, friend. You can try checking your email for any Netflix confirmation messages that might have your account number. If you can't find it there, you can reach out to Netflix customer support for assistance. Remember, mistakes are just happy accidents in the world of technology!

How do you sign out of Netflix on the xbox?

To sign out of your netflix account on an xbox, either go to -> account -> manage devices and deactivate your account. If you cannot do that simply go to the system settings on your xbox and go to the memory part-> games -> netflix and delete the "credentials" item (about 89K I believe).