Not so good, just was called handsome a few seconds ago
tbh idk but hes so hotttttttttttt
Because he is hyun bin :D
god is the most beautiful and handsome person on earth so don't ask that stupid question... like who would ask that
"Two handsome men" in English means due bellissimi uominiin Italian.
the men is FRANC NEIL!!
Instead of being beautiful men are regarded as handsome.
Some girls like big popular handsome boys but other girls like Boys who don't think so much of themselves
Usually just men
"Goodbye, all you handsome men!" in English is Addio a tutti voi uomini belli! in Italian.
because god created them so handsome.
Arrhenphobia is just the fear of men, not handsome men. I doubt there is a specific phobia for that.
by using fair and handsome and garnier men power light cream
yes he is so handsome