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Q: Why Gardiner says that letter writing is a dying art?
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When someone says to you my days are gone?

They feel they are dying.

When is Lucy Whipple's birthday?

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Spanish influenza. It even says it in twilight

Can someone who is dying fly on a plane?

It depends on how they feel about it, and what their doctor says.

What is the difference between long hand writing and block letter hand writing?

There's really no such thing as block letter handwriting. The term is used to infer cursive writing, although the definition of handwriting in most dictionaries is anything written by hand. Logic says this doesn't make sense, but not much English word usage does.

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Addie Bundren says this line in "As I Lay Dying." It reflects her desire to be buried with her family in Jefferson and her belief that water will eventually seep into her grave, connecting her with the land.

Is writing a letter to say I love you for the first time a good idea?

I think you should listen to your heart and at least try and see what that person says. If he or her says no you can be freinds and hang out with each other.AnswerI think its better to say something like that first in person but its okay to say it in a letter if you have to.

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Persuasive writing is pretty much what the title says. In writing you try to persuade someone to do something for you... simple!

Do you find the writing guidlines for Harlequin Books?

Go to and click on the link that says 'writing guidelines'

You want to download music on your sansa 260 mp3 player and it says writing what does that mean?

If your sansa says writing while your downloading music that means your downloading the music on to your sansa. When it doesn't say writing anymore that means the music is downloaded.

How do you write a letter that says you deserve something?

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What is the name of the song where it says on the outside shining away on the inside dying to say?

Rockstar by Miley Cyrus.