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the tallest 16 year old is Marvadene Anderson

Hey guys, i think i would be the tallest 16 yr old boy. Im 7ft 2 and im 16 and about 170 days. Not a sudden growth spurt, im just tall. If you dont believe me, check my facebook:)

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

I think its Daniel radcliff but im not sure

From Katherine England

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Q: Whos the richest person under 18?
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Who is the Richest person in the world under 18?

the maker of facebook

Who is the richest person under 18?

Its probably Justin Bieber or Miley cyrus... defo not Warren buffet or Bill Gates.. They are 81 not 18 :)

What is a person under the age of 18?

A minor.

What ages could date without being illegal in Michigan?

two people under 18, or two people over 18 but not one person under 18 and one person over

Is it illegal for a person over eighteen to date a person under eighteen?

Yes it is because when you hit the age 18 you are considered a adult and a person under 18 is considered a child so therefore that is against the law.

Can a married person under the age of 18 purchase property?


What does juvenile esprit mean?

a person under the age of 18

Can a Person under 18 in California be employed to drive a motor vehicle?

Persons under 18 may not be employed to drive a motor vehicle.

Can a person under 18 be reported to chex system?

If a person has an account under age 18, they can be reported to Chex systems if they default. If they are co listed with someone else, both parties will be reported.

What are the two umber whos sum is 16 but difference is 20?

18 and -2

How can a person that is under 18 rent housing ?

An individual that is under the age of 18 can not rent housing legally. To rent a house a contract or lease may be signed and no one under 18 can legally enter into a contract.

What is the legal definition for minor in America?

A person under the age of 18.