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wonder woman because she has the bracelets and also the lasso of truth and she has superstrength and flight. black widow knows numerous Martial Arts and also she's a ballerina so I think wonder woman would win

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Iron Man. His brains strength and pure awesomeness makes him better than some bimbo with a whip.

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Q: Who would win Iron Man or wonder woman?
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Who would win in a fight spider-man or wonder woman?

spider-man definitely wonder woman only has super strength so she is only close range while spider-man can either go long range with his web, or with his super speed, super strength, flexibility, and acrobatics, can take her out close range Wonder Woman can fly and has the Lasso of Truth also. So she could catch Spider-man in the lasso, forcing him to see the truth that they are both good guys and shouldn't be fighting. Or, Since she's a diplomat, she could talk things out and convince Spidey that they are, once again, both good guys, and should not be fighting each other. So really, Wonder Woman would win, because she would stop the fight.