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Hi Name was Mr. Mott.... not sure on the spelling

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Q: Who was the blue barber on Star Trek TNG?
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What character does Jonathan Frakes play in Star Trek TNG?

Commander William Riker in Star Trek: The Next Generation .

What did they call the ship's bar in Star Trek TNG?

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What is the name of the alien race in Star Trek TNG that can defeat the borg?

The alien race in Star Trek TNG that can defeat the Borg is called Species 8472. They are known for their superior technology and ability to resist Borg assimilation.

Where can you watch Star Trek tng All Good Things part II?

I would try looking for it at That is where I watch star trek.

How many episodes was the second season of Star Trek TNG?

The second season of Star Trek TNG was broadcasted from 1988 to 1989. The season consisted of 22 episodes. The second season was rated higher than the first one.

What is the name of the episode on Star Trek TNG that there is two Rikers?

"Second Chances," in season six.

Does Patrick Stewart like Star Trek?

Patrick Stewart played Captain Picard on ST-TNG or Star Trek: The Next Generation. Turns out there was a stray cat on the set of ST-TNG and Patrick Stewart brought her home and named her Bella.

Who played picard in Star Trek TNG?

Jean Luc Picard appears in the following Star Trek movies:* Star Trek: Generations * Star Trek: First Contact * Star Trek: Insurrection * Star Trek: Nemesis

Which episode of Star Trek tng was data trying to sneeze in?

Season 1, Episode 13: Datalore

Who is the narrator for the History Channel's That's Impossible?

Jonathan Frakes - "Number One" on Star Trek TNG.

Will you ever see William Shatner in a Star Trek film?

Yes he has been in the following: Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn, Star Trek: The Search for Spock, Star Trek: The Voyage Home, Star Trek: The Final Frontier, Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country, Star Trek: Generations.