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It was reform of the Julian calendar.

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Q: Who was the Gregorian calandar named after?
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What is the international calendar known as?

If you mean the calandar that contains January February etc, it is the Gregorian Calandar, named after Pope Gregory XIII.

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The fifth century A.D (or C.E.) is from the years 401 to 500 on the Gregorian calandar.

Who was the Gregorian calendar named after?

The Gregorian calender is named after Pope Gregory XIII who made its use official in a papal decree in 1582.

What is a plainsong named for Pope Gregory?

Gregorian chant

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Is your new year going to be 2013?

Yes the US calandar will continue. The Mayan calandar will start over though. We will not.

What is a Gregorian Chart?

In the early 15th century, there was a distinct lack of members of the public named Gregory. So, Sir Thomas Dangler commissioned a chart to be conscripted listing all persons in England and Wales named Gregory. This was the Gregorian Chart. Not to be confused with a Gregorian Chant.

What liturgical music is named after Pope Saint Gregory I?

Gregorian Chant

What month is named after mars?

The month named after Mars is March. It is the third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

How do you countdown to Christmas?

Normaly with a advent calandar

Why is a calendar called a gregorian calendar?

The Gregorian calendar is named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in October 1582 to reform the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar system in the world today.