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Nonviolent is the avoidance of violent actions.

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i have the same question do you have mrs. rainey? :)

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Q: Who rejecting violence in favor of peaceful tactics?
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How tall is Trista Favor?

Trista Favor is 5' 8".

When did Edward M. Favor die?

Edward M. Favor died in 1936.

How tall is Suzy Favor Hamilton?

Suzy Favor Hamilton is 5' 4".

When was Mike Favor born?

Mike Favor was born on 1966-06-27.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Favor - 2009?

The cast of The Favor - 2009 includes: Aoni Ma as Kiara Ciani Palencia as Aya

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An important feature of dada art included rejecting artistic traditions in favor of?

destruction and negativity.

What did Malcolm x do to encourage African Americans?

to abandon, violent, militant tactics in favor of civil disobedience

What did Lincoln favor at the beginning of the civil war?

Lincoln wanted a peaceful solution to the problem, he didn't want bloodshed.

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A domestic violence order will probably tip the decision in the favor of the parent that doesn't have the order. A good attorney could easily win this case.

Where can a man convicted of domestic violence find a job in St Petersburg Florida?

You can't! The laws in this liberal country favor the accuser.

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Thomas Hobbes was in favor of an absolute monarchy as the ideal form of government. He believed that a strong central authority was necessary to prevent the chaos and violence that would result from individuals pursuing their own self-interest in a state of nature.

What if the woman grabs you and starts hitting you in front of the children?

Leave and if the children favor her, let her have them, respect yourself. Notify the authorities and make a report, protect yourself legally. As for the physical harm, block, but do not strike back, do not escalate the situation by having any further words, call the police to come and allow you to gather your belongings. Move on with your life in a more sane and peaceful environment, free of violence, threats, and manners of control.

What is the correct for to do a favor or to make a favor?

do a favor -- Will you do me a favor? or ask a favor -- Can I ask you a favor?

What was the relation between Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore?

MK Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore were just good friends. Both of them had same kind of ideology. Both of them were in favor of non-violence and the truth.

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Answer thi Hamas uses violence against ordinary people to create fear for political ends. s question…

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