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There have been many kings and king pretenders, both in the show's history and current events.

King's Landing

Aerys II 'The Mad' - Killed by Jaime Lannister,

Robert Baratheon - Killed by a boar while hunting,

Joffrey Baratheon - Poisoned by Littlefinger and Olenna Tyrell,

Tommen Baratheon - Committed suicide.

War of the Five Kings

Robb Stark 'King in the North' - killed by crossbow bolt, shot by Roose Bolton,

Balon Greyjoy - thrown off a bridge to his death by his younger brother Euron,

Renly Baratheon - killed by a shadow assassin, created by Melisandre.

Stannis Baratheon - killed by Brienne of Tarth.

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16y ago

Eowyn, Shield maiden of Rohan, with the help of Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight of the Mark. Merry caused the Witch-King to fall by stabbing the back of his knee, and Eowyn was then able to stab him in the head, ending his existence. Thus, Glorfindel's prophecy was fulfilled, because the Witch-King did not fall by the hand of man, but by a woman and a hobbit. Both Eowyn and Merry suffered from the contact with the fell beast and ended up in the House of Healing. Eowyn met Faramir there and fell in love.

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12y ago

Well, in the film "The Wizard of Oz" (and I guess also in the musical WICKED), Dorothy melts and kills the Wicked Witch of the West by throwing a bucket of water on her.

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Eowyn and Merry.

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gandalf the grey.

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The Witch-king of Angmar.

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