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Q: Who read namaz janaza of salman taseer?
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What is that thing if any muslim does not have his janaza cannot be prayed?

If a Muslim does not read Namaz then, you can not go to his/her janaza, I wouldn't go if some one die and he did not read Namaz.

What happenes if you don't read all the namaz in Islam?

You go to hell for 100 years if you don't read any namaz.

How do you read namaz with pictures?

It matters what you mean by reading namaz with pictures. If you mean that it shows you the actions then this can be practiced buy you can't look up at the picture during namaz

Can you read extra nafels after maqrib namaz?

yes we can

What Sarah has to read in namaz?

Al-Fatiha (The Opening) is amust read surah in the prayer.

What is the name of the holy enclosure in the mecca mosque?

thatevery people go read namaz and read dua

Are you allowed to do nurmaz in a dirty area?

Assalam Aalaikum, Offering namaz in dirty places are not allowed but we can be offer namaz after cleaning the dirty area. For Eg: Before offering namaz one must be clean (means he/she must have gusul or wuzu) then can he/she offer namaz. So from this we can say that if one self cannot offer namaz or read quran without gusul and wuzu then how could be it is possible to offer namaz at dirty place. Thanks and regards.

Where can one read the Salman Khan news online?

You can read news related to Salman Khan online at websites such as India Today, Times of India, and One India. You can also follow his official Facebook and Twitter for the latest Salman Khan news.

Is Solomon a Muslim?

yeah he always pray before a match and i have senn him read namaz

Is salman khan read the holy quran in real life?

While Salman Khan has never said if he has read the Holy Quran in real life, it is highly likely he has, since his grandfather is Muslim.

Where in quran about namaz e janaza?

Of course it is no where in QURAN. More over SALATH is only for God. Mosque is for such SALATHS'; and not for dead.... According to Quran which is the law of Islam,that ones deeds will only benefit him after his death. In other words nothing except his deeds will benefit him in next world. Very important are the words only or except. If this prayer seen in Quran; should have been a contradiction. God says IT is free of contradictions. Hadiths are just news; which are man made; and Quran is against it. Read 45:6.

You wants to chat with salman khan?

salman khan favourite the fantastıc an actor.ı some are speak and read and write in English.l study lesson enlısh.