Grant Wood painted the "American Gothic" (aka - pitchfork painting as you call it) -Altizzi
The painting las floristas was painted by the ecuadorian artist, Camilo Egas.
Two Sisters was painted in 1935, Three Sisters was painted in 1952.
Louis H. Boroson was my father. He was a commercial artist, but painted for pleasure in his free time. He is deceased. I remember the painting he made of Blue Boy.
Georgia O'Keeffe
blue boy is painted by Thomas Gainsborough and the pinkie is by Thomas Lawrence
Show me photo, I can help you
The painting The Ambassadors was painted in 1533.
who, what, where, and which artistic time was the "woman with blue hat painted" ?it was drawn by picasso, it is a painting of a woman wearing a blue hat indoors in a chai, it was the cubism...Answer 2:No, it is not from Picasso's cubist period.
Painted in Douelan in Brittany (France)
carefully painted, quickly painted, slowly painted.
no, he has never painted a painting.
it was painted in 1957
It was painted in 1519 AD
it was painted in Italy.
claude monet painted waterlillies
the person who painted the classic painting ophelia was Arthur Hughes