Here's his official website - can find most of his paintings and sculptures there.
Charles M Russell made over 4000 paintings in his lifetime.
There were millions of photos to work from.
The baptism of Christ
He made nearly 900 paintings. Some of the most famous are:Potato EatersWheat Field with CypressesStarry NightWheat Field with CrowsVincent's RoomSunflowersSelf Portraits
paintings are made of paint and painted on a canvas
In ancient Egypt, most paintings were made for ritual purposes, and they represented their subjects in symbolic ways. By contrast, most modern paintings are either lifelike representations of people and objects or abstract representations of the artists ideas.
He made several 'Cakes' paintings, most of them in 1963.
Paintings made in Holland (The Netherlands).
Paul Cezanne made his paintings in gummy bear world, I am only joking he made his paintings in the summer in France!
Nobody knows for sure why prehistoric people made cave paintings. It may have been a means of recording an eventful or successful hunt, or it may have been a way to get good luck on a hunt. Or perhaps, the paintings were just made for art. Most likely, the purpose of these paintings varied depending on the specific culture that made them.
3 dimensional paintings made by Pablo picasso.
Here's his official website - can find most of his paintings and sculptures there.
Most of the 1200 he painted.Most of his paintings.
A dry painting technique is sand painting which the Navaho Indians use as part of a ritual, after which the painting is destroyed. There are also tourist versions of sand paintings made for sale.
ther are many paintings but the most famous that i know of is painted by: Hall Groat II
you can find most paintings about history and things like that in a museum.