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The three OFFICIAL first officers of the Enterprise-D were Lieutenant Commander Shelby (Episode: The Best of Both Worlds), Lieutenant Commander Data (Episode: Chain of Command)/Commander Data (Episode: Future Imperfect), and Commander William T. Riker.

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17y ago
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15y ago

Captain Kirk-William Shatner

Leonard McCoy-Deforest Kelly

Scotty-James Doohan

Pavel Chekov-Walter Koenig

Hirachu Sulu-George Takei

Spock-Leonard Nimoy

Uhura-Nichelle Nichols

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13y ago

Star Trek the original series :

Cast-Performer- Role -Position -Rank

William Shatner -James T. Kirk -Commanding officer- Captain

Leonard Nimoy -Spock -First officer-Science officer -Lt. Cmdr /Commander

DeForest Kelley -Leonard "Bones" McCoy -Chief medical officer -Lieutenant Commander

James Doohan -Montgomery "Scotty" Scott -Chief engineer-Second officer Lieutenant Commander

Nichelle Nichols -Uhura -Chief Communications officer- Lieutenant

George Takei -Hikaru Sulu -Helmsman-Weapons-Lieutenant

Walter Koenig -Pavel Chekov -Navigator-Security Officer-Tactical Officer -Ensign

Grace Lee Whitney -Janice Rand -Captain's yeoman -Yeoman

Majel Barrett -Christine Chapel -Head nurse -Lieutenant

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11y ago

For the TV series, the original captain of NCC-1701 was named Robert April and then Christopher Pike. Pike was replaced by James Tiberius Kirk, who was replaced by Willard Decker in the motion picture. In The Wrath of Kahn, Spock is captain, but turns command over to Admiral Kirk. The TV series reboot Enterprise, a prequel to Star Trek introduced NX-01, captained by Jonathan Archer.

There were several hulls named Enterprise. A list is below:

  • NX01 - Maximilian Forrest, and Jonathan Archer
  • NCC-1701 - Robert April, Christofer Pike, and James T. Kirk
  • NCC-1701-A - James T. Kirk, demoted to captain
  • NCC-1701-B - Captains John Harriman, Demora Sulu, William George, and Thomas Johnson jr.
  • NCC-1701-C - Rachel Garrett, and Richard Castillo.
  • NCC-1701-D - Jean-Luc Piccard, William T. Riker, and Edward Jellico
  • NCC-1701-E - Jean-Luc Piccard
  • NCC-1701-F - Va'Kel Shon
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11y ago

For a list of Star Trek : The Next Generation cast members , refer to the related link below .

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12y ago

They are Starfleet Graduates, comprised of the member races in the United Federation of Planets.

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15y ago

William T Riker

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11y ago

Captain Jean-Luc Picard .

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Star Trek series launced in 1987 with encounter at farpoint?

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