I do have to say mystic gohan is very strong but just doesn't have the potential. Majin Vegeta's evil heart was awaken by Bobbidy, so vegeta is way more ruthless and less caring. and Vageta is super duper strong. So that one has to go to Vegeta.
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Well Vegito is obviously way stronger than Gohan even if it was Mystic Gohan. If Mystic Gohan were to fight Vegito in his Base/Normal form,he would have probably scored 1 punch by surprise.
Mystic Gohan is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan.
mystic gohan
No, vegito is stronger Fusion Dance: Imperfect / 30 minutes / 60 minute cooldown Potara Earrings: Perfect / forever / only once in a lifetime gogeta can go ssj4 only in GT vegeta and goku fused once as Vegito, when they were weaker and couldn't go ssj4 yet But the potara earrings only let them fuse once, so they couldn't do it again
mystic gohan
Well Vegito is obviously way stronger than Gohan even if it was Mystic Gohan. If Mystic Gohan were to fight Vegito in his Base/Normal form,he would have probably scored 1 punch by surprise.
of course vegito because a ssj2 teen gohan can beat him and when he is mystic form in adult and majin buu absorbs gohan mystic and gotenksssj3 and piccalo also vegito could beat majin buu .gohan mystic is stronger than superperfect form cell so vegito is 1000 times stronger than him.
Mystic Gohan is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan.
No, Mystic Gohan is far stronger than in his SSJ2 form.
vegito is stronger goku can even not handle fat buu in his ssj3 tranformation and vegito can deafeat super buu gohan eaisly in his base form . the thing is that buu is stronger than fat buu and we plus to buu power gohan mystic gotenks ssj3 and piccalo goku cannot handle buu gohan in his ssj4 form and vegito did that in his base form ! but o ne thing is there goku controlls vegito so we can say that vegito is goku with other power levels so vegito=goku and gogeta=vegeta
vegito is stronger i will tell you why because mystic gohan is stronger than ssj3 gotenks and when buu absorbs piccalo gotenks ssj3 and gohan mystic and he had his own power also and vegito base beats buuhan eaisly .2nd reason gogeta ssj4 is stronger than gotenks ssj3 and vegito base than ssj4 gogeta vegito base > gogeta ssj4>buuhan>mystic gohan>gotenks ssj3 so vegito is strongest off all these z-fighters and one evil and gotensks ssj3 is weakest among them 2nd point that vegito is stronger 3rd point vegito is fusion of goku and vegeta so its power would be 2 billion and plus 100 billion of potara so actual power of vegito base =102 billion and gotenks ssj3 power=would be 30 cr and 102 billion is way more powerful than 30 cr 3rd point of vegito is strongest person in db,dbz and dbgt .use some mind askers please.
mystic gohan
Vegito, by far; he was playing around with Super Buu in SSJ1.
depends on how old goku is
gotenks ssj3 and gohan mystic are both stronger than buu now who is stronger gotenks ssj3 was beating buu but he seems a bit stronger but gohan mystic was beating buu better so 1 point goes to gohan now we will compare their attackes gohan was beating buu by punches and gotenks was beating by punches and fire balls buu had same damage compared to fire ball and his punches 2 point to gohan gohan did not had damage during his fight but gotenks had 3 point to gohan .so gohan is stronger .
which adult gohan are you talk about around great saiyanman saga? teen gohan stronger than adult gohan about twice but if you talk about adult gohan (mystic) adult gohan will kick teen gohan butt very easy
Yes, he is stronger. But not when Goku is Super Saiyan 3 or 4.