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hulk. He is skaars dad and is bigger smarter and older he has more exrearience

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Q: Who is stronger hulk or skaar?
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Is Skaar stronger than Hulk?

Skaar is Hulk's son in Marvel Comics, so his strength is comparable to the Hulk's, though it may vary based on the storyline or writer. In some instances, Skaar has been portrayed as stronger due to his unique abilities, but overall, the Hulk is typically considered the strongest one there is in the Marvel Universe.

Does the incredible hulk have kids?

In the Marvel Comics, the Hulk does have children in some storylines. Specifically, he has two sons, Skaar and Hiro-Kala. Skaar is the son of the Hulk and an alien woman, while Hiro-Kala is a rogue child of the Hulk and Caiera the Oldstrong.

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Hulk and the Agents of S-M-A-S-H- - 2013 The Skaar Whisperer 1-11 was released on: USA: 10 November 2013

Is skaar related to the hulk?

yes he is the character the ride's named after's son and no hulk hogan is not the incredible hulk. and along with hiro-kala he also has a daughter, lyra. and FYI the incredible hulk is better than hulk hogan.

Who is stronger Hulk or Apocalypse?

i think hulk is stronger

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Who is stronger green hulk or the abomanation?

Abomination is stronger than the Hulk at the beginning of the fight however The madder hulk gets the stronger hulk gets so there is no limit to his power. When they fight Abomination usually overpowers Hulk in the beginning of the match but Hulk eventually becomes stronger and wins.

Does the incredible hulk have a son?

I dont know but probably not. Ask whoever wrote him

Who is stronger hulk or wolverin?

The Hulk is much stronger than Wolverine, however Wolverine does have claws that he can stick the Hulk with.

Who is stronger hulk or dare devil?

the answer is the hulk

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