melvin williams
Yes. Tyler is his older brother. Tyler was born in 1992, Tyrel in 1997. Tyrel played the "young Chris" in "Everybody Hates Chris" (Tyler). Tyler played the "future Leo" (Tyrel's character) in "Lab Rats."
Liam James' older brothers name is Sterling James.
Almost. Jeff Richmond is nine years older than her.
Nope, Frank Williams was not related to the Williams brothers. Frank Williams was the founder and former team principal of the Williams Formula One racing team, while the Williams brothers refer to Venus and Serena Williams, the legendary tennis players. So, no family reunion there, just different fields of play.
The actor, Tequan Richmond who played Drew in "Everybody Hates Chris" is at the time 17.
Venus Williams is the older sister by about fifteen months. Venus was born June 17, 1980 and Serena was born on September 26, 1981.
melvin williams
Yes. Tyler is his older brother. Tyler was born in 1992, Tyrel in 1997. Tyrel played the "young Chris" in "Everybody Hates Chris" (Tyler). Tyler played the "future Leo" (Tyrel's character) in "Lab Rats."
Liam James' older brothers name is Sterling James.
no it was her older sister
Roger Williams had one older sister named Catherine and one older brother named Sydrach
Huey Williams is the older brother of Doug,Melvin and Leonard Williams of the Williams brothers,he is the lead singer of the Jackson Southernaires.
Almost. Jeff Richmond is nine years older than her.
Yes hes Dougs and Melvin Williams older Brother