Audra Lindley's birth name is Audra Marie Lindley.
Audra McDonald was born on July 3, 1970, in Berlin, Germany.
Audra Lindley died on October 16, 1997 at the age of 79.
Audra Williams was born on March 10, 1976, in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.
Audra Lindley was born on September 24, 1918 and died on October 16, 1997. Audra Lindley would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 96 years old today.
Audra McDonald's birth name is Audra Ann McDonald.
Audra Lindley's birth name is Audra Marie Lindley.
No results for "audra" were found in portuguese.
Audra Lindley is 5' 8".
Audra Lynn is 5' 8".
Audra Strickland was born in 1974.
Audra Todd is 5' 8".
Audra McDonald is 5' 8".
Audra vous aime or Audre t'aime
Audra's Sweets. The sweets belong to Audra, so she needs the apostrophe. There's more than one sweet, so it gets the "s" but no apostrophe.
Audra Cohen was born on April 21, 1986.