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Clinton Brown is Chris's Father and he works at Haynesville Correctional Center in Haynesville, VA and still lives in Tappahannock.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Clinton Brown

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Chris Brown's father is Clinton Brown.

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Where did Chris Brown's dad work?

Chris browns's father worked at a gas station in Virginia USA.

What is Chris Browns fathers name?

Chris Brown's father's name is Clinton Brown.

What is Chris Browns nationality?

chris browns nationality is the united states but his hometown is tappohanock,va.

When were Chris Browns parents divorced?

They got divored when Chris Brown was 6 years old.

Who is Chris Browns family how many are there of the browns?

Chris Brown has a mother named Joyce Hawkins and a sister named Lytrell. His father's name is Clinton Brown so Chris got his last name from his father

Whats Chris Browns favorite kind of chips?

chris browns favorite kind of chips are barbeque and sour cream and onion...beleive me i know he is my father, im chris brown Jr, im 15 years old and live in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Chris Faulk is number 70 on the Cleveland Browns.

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chris browns child is chrishton brown

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chris browns favourite colour is pink and purple

What race is Chris browns mom?

Chris Brown is a famous African American hip hop singer. His mother is an African American and so is his father.

Who is chris browns boyfriend?

Chris is a boy.