Satyr is 6' 1".
Satyr was born on November 28, 1975, in Norway.
satyr's names: gleeson rondale boyd cornol porleego leneus silus or something like that! ;)
Grover Underwood was not a god. He was a satyr. In Greek mythology, a satyr was a creature that was half man and half goat.
He was a satyr.
Philoctetes is a Satyr.
In the Disney movie, the satyr Philoctetes-"Phil" for short-is known for training heroes.
The symbol of a satyr is Capricorn
Satyr is 6' 1".
The satyr symbolizes the forest
No, the satyr all ways had power.
Satyr was born on November 28, 1975, in Norway.
you pronounce satyr like say-tea-er
Satyr's birth name is Sigurd Wongraven.
A satyr is half man half goat.
the satyr's name is Philoctetes and he was voiced by Danny DeVito.
Great Sooty Satyr was created in 1793.