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Fourth Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps

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Q: Who is Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Gale?
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What are the responsibilities of the colonel?

Depends on what branch they're in, and what their occupation is. A Lieutenant Colonel who is in the military as a doctor isn't going to have the same responsibilities as an infantry Lieutenant Colonel, for example. Lieutenant Colonel is the normal rank for a battalion commander. There are also staff officers who hold the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Their function defines their responsibilities more than their rank is going to. \ you really have to improve your answers so you dont have to go on a different website so please have different answers because im trying to do a report and this is not helping.

What is the name of the actress that Al Pacino does the Tango with in Scent of a Woman?

por una cabeza

What was the occupation of Eliza Lucas Pinckney's father?

Yes, but soon after they arrived, her father,an officer in England's army, was called away.

When was William Ashley born?

William Ashley was born in Chesterfield County, Virginia, in about 1778. He became a trader but later joined the army and by 1812 he had reached the rank of lieutenant colonel. Ashely then moved to St Louis and he was elected lieutenant governor of Missouri in 1820. Then he formed a fur trading company.

What actors and actresses appeared in Decimation - 2013?

The cast of Decimation - 2013 includes: Brandon Anthony as Prisoner Two Andrew Bosch as Prisoner Eight Richard Carmen as Lieutenant-General Stefan Hajek as Prisoner Four Michael Patten as The German Luke Schuck as Prisoner Five Roy Stanton as Prisoner One Andrew Tribolini as Regiment Colonel Josh Truax as Prisoner Six

Related questions

What rank follows Major?

Lieutenant Colonel.

Who is higher colonel or lieutenant colonel?

Colonel is higher than a Lieutenant-Colonel. BTW, a Lieutenant- General is higher than a Major-General.

What is the plural noun of lieutenant colonel?

The plural form of the noun 'lieutenant colonel' is lieutenant colonels.

Who was the only Commandant of the Marine Corps to be fired?

Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Gale who was Court Martialed in 1820. He eventually received his pension and vindication but it took 15 years. He is the only Commandant without an official portrait and the only Commandant whose place of burial remains unknown.

What is the difference between a lieutenant and a lieutenant colonel?

Quite a difference.. a Lieutenant is a junior officer, whereas a Lieutenant Colonel is a much more senior officer.

What is above a major in the service?

Next in the chain of command is a lieutenant colonel, then comes colonel, then brigadier general (one star).Next in the chain of command is a lieutenant colonel, then comes colonel, then brigadier general (one star).Next in the chain of command is a lieutenant colonel, then comes colonel, then brigadier general (one star).Next in the chain of command is a lieutenant colonel, then comes colonel, then brigadier general (one star).Next in the chain of command is a lieutenant colonel, then comes colonel, then brigadier general (one star).Next in the chain of command is a lieutenant colonel, then comes colonel, then brigadier general (one star).

When did Anthony Gale die?

Anthony Gale died on 1843-12-12.

Is major rank higher than lieutenant colonel?

Highest - lowest. # Field Marshal (Only awarded as an honour) # General # Lieutenant General # Major General # Brigadier # Colonel # Lieutenant Colonel # Major # Captain # Lieutenant # Second Lieutenant # Officer Cadet

Is a lieutenant coronel higher than a coronel?

No, a lieutenant Colonel is one notch lower than a Colonel.

What is the pay grade of an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel?

An Air Force Lieutenant Colonel is an O-5.

Military ranks American revolution?

General, brigadier, colonel, lieutenant colonel, major/commandant, captain lieutenant, 2nd lieutenant, officer cadet.

What rank was Jeff cooper in the marine corps?

Jeff Cooper was a lieutenant colonel in the Marine Corps.