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Jack and Melinda "lindy" Groban

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Q: Who is Josh Groban's Dad?
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Is Barbra Strisand Josh Grobans mother-in-law?

No, she is Josh Brolin's mother in law.

Is Josh grobans family dead?

He has a mother, father and brother. And no, none of them are dead.

What are Josh Grobans music genres?

he has musical talent, really, is that what that is called. please, my two year old does a better job.

In drake and josh what is the dads name?

Josh's dad's name in drake and josh is Walter.

Is josh duggar going to be a dad?

Yes, Josh and Anna are expecting (a girl)

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What is josh's dad's job in drake and josh?

He works at a movie theatre.

What is the dad's name on insidious?

his name is Josh Lambert

What is the name of the Duggar family's first grandson?

Michael James - Michael for Anna's dad and James for Josh's Dad. Josh explained they wanted to pay tribute to their fathers, so they picked their names.

Who is a better dentist than James' dad?

Mr. Josh Cooper