Joseph Morgan - actor - was born on 1981-05-16.
Joseph Morgan is 36 years old (birthdate: May 16, 1981).
Where does joe morgan live
John Adams Morgan is the current heir to the JP Morgan fortune. His current company is: Morgan, Joseph & Co.
Laina Morris goes by Overly Attracted Girlfriend.
Joseph Morgan speaks with an English accent
Joseph Morgan Henninger was born in 1906.
Joseph Morgan - actor - was born on 1981-05-16.
Does Joseph Alicea Lopez has a girlfriend?
Joseph Morgan is 36 years old (birthdate: May 16, 1981).
Joseph Morgan has written: 'Hawaii, a geography' -- subject(s): Geography
There is no public information available on actor Joseph Morgan's favorite color.
Where does joe morgan live
The inventor of the candle
Yes he does have a girlfriend, she's called Cerys Morgan.