Enrique Ovono Ondo is the Vice Minister of Public Works and Infrastructures in Equatorial Guinea.
Jean François Ondo was born in 1916.
Pascual Ondo Masa is the Secretary of State for Primary and Secondary Education in Equatorial Guinea.
Jeremias Ondo Ngomo is the Vice Minister of Internal Affairs and Local Corporations in Equatorial Guinea.
Enrique Estevanez's birth name is Enrique Jos Estevanez.
Enrique Sarasola's birth name is Enrique Sara Sola.
Sylvain Ovono was born on 1976-03-26.
Didier Ovono was born on 1983-01-23.
Ondo State's population is 3,440,000.
what is ondo postal code
Daniel Ona Ondo was born in 1945.
Emmanuel Ondo Methogo was born in 1946.
Jean François Ondo was born in 1916.
The area of Ondo State is 15,500 square kilometers.
Candido Ondo Nchama is the Vice Minister of Culture and Tourism in Equatorial Guinea.
Ondo (located in the Ondo system within the Byblos sector in the Colonies).
Roman Catholic Diocese of Ondo's population is 3,674,692.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Ondo was created in 1943.