Alistair Petrie is 6' 3".
Milton Petrie was born in 1902.
Kalinka Petrie is 5' 4".
Ed Ames had 3 children with his first wife, Sarita. They were Sonya, Ronald and Linda. Linda died in 2007.
Charles Robert Petrie was born in 1882.
Ed Petrie was born on August 22, 1978.
Ed Petrie was born on August 22, 1978.
UK actor Edward "Ed" Petrie is 38 years old (birthdate: August 22, 1978).
Yes he does. He mentions her on Twitter alot.
send a letter requesting it to CBBC with a stamped, self addressed envelope. :)
Ed Lover current wife name is Vanessa.
Try writing to CBBC at their usual address. It's given out all the time for send-ins etc.
Hay Petrie's birth name is Petrie, David Hay.
Kalinka Petrie's birth name is Kalinka Joyce Petrie.
Sonya Petrie is 5'.
To marry his secound wife