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Q: Who is Ed Petrie and lsquos wife?
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Related questions

What is Ed Petrie's birthday?

Ed Petrie was born on August 22, 1978.

When was Ed Petrie born?

Ed Petrie was born on August 22, 1978.

How old is Ed Petrie?

UK actor Edward "Ed" Petrie is 38 years old (birthdate: August 22, 1978).

Is Ed Petrie dating Holly Walsh?


Has ed petrie got a girlfriend?

Yes he does. He mentions her on Twitter alot.

Where can I get a signed picture of CBBC's Ed Petrie?

send a letter requesting it to CBBC with a stamped, self addressed envelope. :)

Who is Ed Lover current Wife?

Ed Lover current wife name is Vanessa.

Where can you gt a signed picture of Ed Petrie?

Try writing to CBBC at their usual address. It's given out all the time for send-ins etc.

What is the birth name of Hay Petrie?

Hay Petrie's birth name is Petrie, David Hay.

What is the birth name of Kalinka Petrie?

Kalinka Petrie's birth name is Kalinka Joyce Petrie.

How tall is Sonya Petrie?

Sonya Petrie is 5'.

Why did Ed Ames and his first wife divorce?

To marry his secound wife