I don't really understand what you mean but Goku has more kids than Gohan Goku has 2 and Gohan only has 1 and both Goku's kids can super saiyan. His kids are Gohan and Goten
Goku. Gohan has more potential, but Goku never stops training. Gohan only trains when he needs to.
no because Goku is more accurate and powerfull and also Goku can control the ss2
a lot piccolo pikkon majin buu super buu kid buu vegeta goku kid gohan teen gohan gohan ultimate gohan future gohan but nobody in GT
It depends. Kid Goku in Dragon Ball is weaker then Kid Gohan at all times. Except Gohan in the beginning of Dragonball Z who wasn't angry. Kid Goku in Dragon Ball GT is stronger then Kid Gohan.Also, Kid Gohan has more control over his Saiyan abilities, which can sometimes make him more powerful. Kid Goku didn't until his tail was cut off permanently.
At a time he was when he was Super Namek, but Vegeta & Trunks trained in the time chamber to become an Ascended Saiyans after that Vegeta would be more powerful.
Goku he can go to super sayain 5 and gohan can't
Ss4 Goku is more powerful the Gohan. Always because Goku is 100% Sayian and Gohan is 50% Sayian!! ;3
Goku. Gohan has more potential, but Goku never stops training. Gohan only trains when he needs to.
Only Gohan was recognized as a SS2 however you can see other Saiyans have reached it as well. A SS2 is characterized same as a SS with more spiky hair and blue lightening surrounding them. Goku, vegeta, Broly and Gotanks also achieved this but more quietly. goku became ssj2 when he faught vegeta in the babidi saga
Hate to break it everyone, but Goku consecutively proves he is stronger than Gohan. I will admit, Gohan has had his moments when he became SSJ 2 against Cell. But that was only until Goku learned SSJ 2. He surpassed SSJ 3 Goku for an episode or two, but Goku SSJ 3 still held his own against Super Buu {Ultimate Gohan, SSJ 3 Gotenks, Picollo absorbed} for a short while. Even in Super, the furthest he could handle was SSJB/SSGSS (Super Saiyan Blue/ Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) and he was only on-par by then. But Goku easily handled Gohan when he used Kaioken {Note: Even using a X1 (2 fold multiplier) Goku SSJB/SSGSS could easily defeat Ultimate/Mystic Gohan.} And Goku also has Ultra Instinct. So your answer, Gohan is weaker.
goku clearly states at supreme Kai planet that he could of taken buu out from the beginning but chose not to because he wanted to give others the chance to take him out. plus gohan couldn't take out super buu when he absorb gotenks and piccolo so there is no way he could take kid buu out so goku ss3 is stronger Kid Buu is weaker than Super Buu when he absorbed SSJ3 Gotenks and Ultimate Gohan. However, Goku is a way better figher than Gohan sice he acheived SSJ3 through training, and Gohan had his power unlocked. So Ultimate Gohan is stronger but SSJ3 Goku is a better fighter. well guss wat gohan was more powerfull i read it on couple sites and let me show u the powerlevel of gohan and goku ssj3 full power and goten mistick gohan power level of: 5,200,000,000 Super Gotenks 3 power level of - 4,500,000,000 super goku 3 power level 1,080,000,000 goku whiles fightin kid buu 720,000,000 kid buu power level 720,000,000 so there you see who is the strongest gohan by far ^^ EDIT:You do know that none of those power levels are true. Those ae from fan sites. Akira Toriyama( The creator of Dragonball Z) stop making power levels afer the Frieza saga. EDIT: Uh, Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu. Goku was scared to fight him and Gohan kicked the crap out of him. So Gohan>Goku. super buu is weaker than kid buu. super buu got beaten by ss3 gotenks who was as strong as ss3 goku. And ss3 goku was overpowered by kid buu. Proof that ss3 gotenks was as strong as ss3 goku: majin buu(fat buu) put up a good fight agaisnt ss3 goku while super buu put up a good fight agaisnt ss3 gotenks. I believe that ultimate gohan is stronger than ss3 goku. Proof: Gohan beat super buu easily and ss3 gotenks had trouble fighting super buu. ss3 gotenks= ss3 goku. ~greenaloe
Well, of what I can tell, Mystic/Ultimate Gohan was more powerful than SSJ3 Goku in Z, or so I thought. When Super Buu {Evil Buu after eating/absorbing Majin Buu with his own technique and turning him to candy} absorbed Gotenks SSJ3 and Picollo, he was able to overpower Gohan and absorb him. However, Goku in SSJ3 did manage to hold his own against Buu. But that was in Z If you’re talking about Super, then Gohan is far more powerful then SSJ 3 Goku and was/is on-par with SSJB/SSGSS {Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan, or (as most people call it because it is easier and shorter to say. Also because of the identical appearance from regular SSJ1, only it has blue hair and a blue divine aura.) Super Saiyan Blue. {Pretty much it is a Super Saiyan version of Super Saiyan God.} So all in all, in Z, he wasn’t as powerful as SSJ3 Goku. In Super he far surpassed SSJ 3 Goku.
no because Goku is more accurate and powerfull and also Goku can control the ss2
gohan is more strong because after all he's goku's son and was a student of picolo
a lot piccolo pikkon majin buu super buu kid buu vegeta goku kid gohan teen gohan gohan ultimate gohan future gohan but nobody in GT
It depends. Kid Goku in Dragon Ball is weaker then Kid Gohan at all times. Except Gohan in the beginning of Dragonball Z who wasn't angry. Kid Goku in Dragon Ball GT is stronger then Kid Gohan.Also, Kid Gohan has more control over his Saiyan abilities, which can sometimes make him more powerful. Kid Goku didn't until his tail was cut off permanently.
Well,it is hard to decide because when gohan released his hidden powers, he became a ssj2. So it was in him all along. But goku did not always have the ability to go ssj4 inside him. Since ssj2 gohan is most likely the strongest ssj2 and was stronger than his dad when he first transformed during the battle with cell, it is possible for ssj2 gohan to be stronger than ssj4 goku. But it all comes down to what you think and who you like more. {besides,ssj4 goku never sliced any of his opponents in half with one punch!}