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Q: Who did george wasington marry in 1759?
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When and who did George Washington marry?

Martha Washington (1759-1799)

When did George Washington marry Martha Dandridge Custis?


When did george washignton marry?

January 2 1759 hope it works

When was George Washington married to Jane?

George Washington did not marry Jane he married Martha Dandrige Custis in 1759

When was George Wasington president?

1789, George Wasington was the 1st presisdent of the United States. He is known for his Kindness.

What did George Wasington do?

he was a happy panda

How tall was george wasington?

very tall..

Who led the the colonial army?

George Wasington

When did George Washington horse died?

the horse died when george wasington died

What is wasington famous for?

Never heard of wasington. If you're referring to George Washington, he was a Revolutionary War General and our Nation's first President.

Who did President Washington marry?

President George Washington married Martha Dandridge Custis Washington on January 6, 1759 on her estate in Virgina.

What was George Wasington's profession?

George Washington was a plantation owner, politician and military officer.