not sure about all but one that sticks out is O.J. Simpson. He was a football star, i guess you could call him a celeb.
James Boyce was born in 1947.
France Gall was born on October 9, 1947.
yes you! lolxx
A lot of people who are celebrities are born on any day.
Celebrities born on September 29 include: Historically, September 29 was the birthday of:
If you were born in 1947 you will be 63 on and after your birthday in 2010.
Some celebrities that were born on December 12th are Bob Barker, Mayim Bialik, and Jennifer Connelly.
A few celebrities that were born on December 7 are Emily Browning, Jennifer Carpenter and Tom Waits.
A Voice Is Born - 1947 was released on: USA: 29 December 1947
Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947.Stephen King was born September 21, 1947.
Will Hobbs was born on August 22, 1947
James Boyce was born in 1947.
bill gates
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vanessa hudgens