depends of what your going to do. if you get a happiny you can evolve it into a blissy which has super height hp whick is good for long battles and staling. a riolu can evlove into a lucario, and lucario can do lots of damage.
id go with riolu.
You do not find an egg that doesn't hatch into happiny or riolu. You must find a girl and boy Pokemon (or girl and ditto or boy and ditto Pokemon) and put them in the daycare, and they may make an egg and allow you to get an egg that isn't happiny or riolu (unless that was the pair you made the Pokemon for).
It is a Happiny...the prevolution to Chansey and Blissey its is much easier to catch one to be honest...the only egg you really want is the riolu egg given to you by Riley
You have to get the egg, i dont remember who from, and hatch it. it hatches into a happiny
it goes happiny,chansey then blissey
Ash does not get riolu but it does follow him in Pokemon ranger and the kidnaped riolu and Ash wants to bring him back so he does alitle bit.....
happiny and riolu
happiny and riolu
You do not find an egg that doesn't hatch into happiny or riolu. You must find a girl and boy Pokemon (or girl and ditto or boy and ditto Pokemon) and put them in the daycare, and they may make an egg and allow you to get an egg that isn't happiny or riolu (unless that was the pair you made the Pokemon for).
You can get one in hearthome city (happiny or pichu) and another in iron island (riolu).
The egg given to you by the hiker has a happiny and the egg given to you by riley has a riolu
It is a Happiny...the prevolution to Chansey and Blissey its is much easier to catch one to be honest...the only egg you really want is the riolu egg given to you by Riley
The mysterious egg is an item in Pokemon Pearl version. It will hatch into either a Happiny or a Riolu.
The Pokemon is Riolu, types fighting and steel and prevolved form of Lucario.
Depends on the level but Riolu evolves into Lucario when it has high enough freindship and learns beter moves. That is true but I think Riolu is cooler than Croagunk so.. Riolu is better!!
Happiny. Which is the first stage of Chansey. Unless its Riolu.. the first stage of Lucario.. which is like a thousand times more awesome
No, it just makes it alot better because it has all of the training while being Riolu.
Brock got his Happiny in One big Happiny family. That is the first episode Brock's Happiny got it's debut. Brock got his Happiny in One big Happiny family. That is the first episode Brock's Happiny got it's debut.