He cut his left hand. After the filming they took him to the hospital. He got stitches. Lucky for him it wasn't his right hand because he's right-handed. He was still able to write because he writes with his right hand.
Yes, and continued filming with a bloody hand that required stitches afterward. I'm not sure how Kerry Washington reacted to having real blood smeared over her face and mouth.
Django Unchained
Yes, Leonardo DiCaprio does appear in the film Django Unchained. He plays the character Calvin J. Candie.
The cast of Scenes from Django Unchained - UK Winner - 2013 includes: Andi Osho Struan Rodger as Dr. Schultz
The cast of Django Unchained the TVOne Special - 2012 includes: Jamie Foxx as himself Reginald Hudlin as himself Cathy Hughes as herself Quentin Tarantino as himself Kerry Washington as herself
The first movie he acted in was 'Poison Ivy' in 1992, but his first major acting role was on the TV series 'Parenthood' in 1990. for more info Google him or specifically go to imdb.com He was in 'Critters 3' which came out in 1991
Django Unchained
Yes, Leonardo DiCaprio does appear in the film Django Unchained. He plays the character Calvin J. Candie.
The Quick And The Dead Total Eclipse Romeo + Juliet Titanic Blood Diamond J. Edgar Django Unchained The Great Gatsby His wife dies in Shutter Island and Revolutionary Road
Django Unchained was released on 12/25/2012.
Django Unchained was created on 2012-12-25.
Django Unchained was released on 12/25/2012.
The real name of Django from the movie, Django Unchained, is simply Django. There are no references made in the movie about what the character's full name actually happens to be.
Walter Goggins is a famous actor, recently featuring in the hit film, Django Unchained alongside Jamie Foxx and 1990's heartthrob, Leonardo DiCaprio. With his newest film, Dermaphoria due out in 2014, he can be expected to be a household name in the coming year.
Walter Goggins is a famous actor, recently featuring in the hit film, Django Unchained alongside Jamie Foxx and 1990's heartthrob, Leonardo DiCaprio. With his newest film, Dermaphoria due out in 2014, he can be expected to be a household name in the coming year.
Django Unchained
As yet Django as not been shown on British television.
Django Unchained the TVOne Special - 2012 TV was released on: USA: 15 December 2012